Hello Games anunció hoy el lanzamiento de «Origins» para No Man’s Sky, la inmensa actualización 3.0 que agrega nuevos planetas con una diversidad planetaria más profunda, nuevos terrenos, nuevas criaturas, nuevas condiciones climáticas, edificios colosales y más.

Características del Parche 3.0:

  • Nuevos planetas: los sistemas solares existentes han dado lugar a nuevos planetas, creando millones de nuevos mundos intactos para explorar.
  • Estrellas binarias y ternarias: algunos sistemas raros ahora albergan múltiples estrellas, creando nuevos patrones asombrosos en el cielo.
  • Paisajes dramáticos: estos nuevos mundos tienen un terreno vasto y amplio. Sus montañas y vistas están en una escala nueva y colosal, dando forma a paisajes más dramáticos e inspiradores que nunca. Si bien la flora, la fauna y las condiciones atmosféricas han cambiado en todo el universo, los mundos existentes conservarán su antiguo carácter, lo que permitirá que las bases de los jugadores permanezcan inalteradas.
  • Actualización de la interfaz de usuario: la interfaz y los menús se han renovado por completo con nuevos colores y estilos, para lograr una estética nueva y fresca.
    Diversidad más rica: se ha insuflado nueva vida a todos los planetas del universo. Se ha vertido en la galaxia una gran variedad de flora y curiosidades planetarias nunca antes vistas. Hay innumerables combinaciones nuevas y extrañas que esperan ser descubiertas …
  • Alien Fauna: descubre nuevas y extrañas especies de fauna. Esta vida silvestre alienígena se puede encontrar vagando por el terreno, rodando por él o incluso excavando en él, y todos pueden cosecharse para obtener productos comestibles.
  • Variedad de nubes y clima: la calidad de representación de la nube se ha mejorado significativamente y el rango de cobertura de nubes se ha ampliado, creando más variedad entre cielos despejados y planetas nublados. La cobertura y el color de las nubes ahora varían con el tiempo, y las nubes vistas desde el espacio ahora coinciden con las condiciones atmosféricas actuales del planeta de abajo.
  • Pantanos: varios mundos fértiles han formado pantanos y pantanos, espesos de niebla y crecimientos de hongos luminosos.
  • Mayor variedad de colores: la paleta de colores para la generación planetaria se ha aumentado, creando más variaciones posibles que nunca.
    Teletransportadores mejorados: se ha mejorado la interfaz del teletransportador. La interfaz de usuario ahora es coherente con el teletransportador Space Anomaly y ahora ofrece más información disponible sobre el planeta o sistema objetivo antes de la deformación.
  • Modo Foto: el modo Foto se ha renovado, con nuevos filtros y un mayor control sobre las nubes, la niebla, las viñetas y la profundidad de campo.
    Colosales edificios de archivos: se han levantado enormes edificios en los horizontes planetarios, creando nuevos núcleos de vida extraterrestre. Estas enormes bóvedas son depósitos de datos, tesoros y direcciones a ruinas olvidadas hace mucho tiempo.
  • Historias históricas: visita los colosales edificios del archivo para descubrir nuevas historias culturales y literarias, escondidas por antiguas civilizaciones alienígenas.
  • Infestaciones: varios planetas se han infestado con formas de vida anómalas y crecimientos vegetativos. Tenga mucho cuidado al explorar estos planetas.
  • Nuevas condiciones de iluminación: el rango de iluminación atmosférica se ha ampliado, generando combinaciones más únicas de condiciones de iluminación en los planetas.
  • Edificios anómalos: los asentamientos antiguos y abandonados se pueden descubrir en planetas muertos o anómalos, lo que aumenta la gama de planetas disponibles para misiones y exploración.
  • Volcanes: la disrupción tectónica ha estimulado los núcleos fundidos de algunos planetas, dando lugar a montañas volcánicas activas.
  • Tormentas de fuego: las tormentas en mundos de temperaturas extremas ahora a veces encienden fuego en la superficie del planeta.
  • Efectos de juego de tormenta: los avances en la tecnología Exosuit y Multi-Tool permiten efectos beneficiosos de las tormentas. Las ventiscas te permiten minar durante más tiempo con un rayo de minería enfriado; acelera aún más en tormentas tóxicas con la ayuda de la tecnología de procesamiento de gas Exosuit; beneficiarse de una mayor eficiencia del jetpack en atmósferas sobrecalentadas; y extraer sustancias adicionales durante épocas de alta radiactividad.
  • Nuevos artículos y artesanía: la artesanía se ha simplificado y se han recortado una serie de artículos de uso poco frecuente para reducir el desorden del inventario. Se ha aumentado el tamaño de la pila de inventario de otros artículos de uso frecuente. Ahora se pueden encontrar nuevos alijos de recursos bajo tierra, listos para desmantelar en partes utilizables.
  • Detalle de terreno mejorado: explore paisajes más agradables visualmente con una representación del terreno mejorada. Ahora se utilizan mapas de ruido normal, de altura y especulares, y se ha mejorado la combinación entre las normales de geometría y las normales de mosaico, lo que contribuye a un terreno más detallado, especialmente a largas distancias.
  • Configuración mejorada de Calidad de Panetas: en PC, la configuración «Ultra» para Planet Quality se ha actualizado, mejorando la apariencia y los detalles de la hierba y la flora a distancia.
  • Guía de exploración: el registro de misiones ahora incluye un registro de información local, que proporciona información detallada sobre el sistema o planeta actual. El registro también ayuda a los exploradores a rastrear la gama completa de fauna, flora y minerales para descubrir en cada planeta.
  • Interferencia del portal eliminada: los viajeros ahora pueden deslizarse a través de los portales y explorar su destino libremente, sin interferencia del portal. Un universo infinito se ha vuelto más accesible.
  • Meteoros: se pueden observar meteoritos chocando contra la atmósfera de los planetas. Sea testigo de las brillantes lluvias de meteoritos o de las estrellas fugaces solitarias que surcan el cielo, pero tenga cuidado de no acercarse demasiado.
    Anomalías gravitacionales: los planetas anómalos pueden mostrar cambios gravitacionales repentinos, lo que permite vuelos dramáticos a través de un entorno de baja gravedad.
  • Tornados: los poderosos tornados ahora atraviesan los planetas durante las tormentas más fuertes, recogiendo cualquier fauna o explorador desafortunado que se cruce en su camino.
  • Relámpagos: las tormentas ahora dividen el cielo con poderosos rayos. Disfruta del espectáculo, ¡pero evita que te golpeen!
  • Encuentros planetarios con PNJ: los comerciantes del mercado negro, que pilotean sus naves a través de planetas, ahora aterrizan en ocasiones en la superficie planetaria. Los exploradores pueden acercarse a estos distribuidores para explorar su selección de actualizaciones de tecnología de contrabando. El comerciante de chatarra de la estación espacial ahora intercambiará pugneum por su propia selección de productos del mercado negro.
  • Mejoras en el menú de descubrimiento: la página de descubrimiento ahora ofrece herramientas para filtrar, ordenar y ocultar los sistemas visitados. Otras mejoras incluyen información más detallada para ayudar a localizar criaturas planetarias e información más fácilmente accesible sobre sus bases planetarias.
  • Actualizaciones de herramientas múltiples: visite la estación de actualización de herramientas múltiples en las estaciones espaciales para actualizar la clase de su herramienta múltiple o ampliar su capacidad tecnológica agregando más ranuras.
  • Vida de insectos: descubre escarabajos gigantes que se escabullen por los planetas y zumban por los cielos, así como enormes mariposas de alas suaves que revolotean para aterrizar en la flora y el terreno.
  • Robots salvajes: planetas raros inexplorados son ahora el hogar de criaturas sintéticas que deambulan salvajemente por el terreno con patas metálicas.
  • Comportamientos mejorados de las criaturas: además de las nuevas criaturas excavadoras, rodantes y voladoras, se han mejorado los comportamientos en bandadas para toda la fauna. El tamaño de las manadas ha aumentado y ahora se pueden ver criaturas voladoras mucho más cerca del suelo.
  • Gusanos de arena: criaturas de gusanos devastadoramente enormes ahora acechan debajo de la superficie del planeta. Ve con cuidado.

Notas del parche 3.0 (inglés):

Planetary Generation

  • New planets have been created in most star systems.
  • Planets can now generate much more varied terrain, including mountains four times larger than anything previously possible.
  • Terrain generation for existing planets has not been affected, and player bases have not been reset.

Planetary Visuals

  • Planetary terrain rendering has been significantly improved.
  • Planetary colour diversity has been significantly increased.
  • Planetary lighting diversity has been significantly increased.
  • Large numbers of new plants, rocks and other objects have been added to each planet type, over doubling the available diversity.
  • In addition, scorched planets have a chance of becoming volcanically active.
  • Lush planets also have a chance of becoming marshlands or swamps.
  • Every planet has a small chance of becoming infested with bizarre alien growths.
  • This generation change has been done in such a way that no existing planet will have its fundamental type or hazard changed.
  • PC players with planetary visual quality set to ‘Ultra’ will see grass and other decorative props rendered out to larger distances.
  • A number of issues have been fixed that could cause patches of grass and other objects to pop out of existence when close to the player.

Atmospheric Visuals

  • The visual quality of cloud rendering has been significantly improved.
  • The pattern of clouds seen on a planet from space now matches the environmental conditions on the planet.
  • During storms, cloud coverage now increases and darkens.
  • Cloud coverage levels are now procedurally generated and vary from planet to planet.
  • Cloud coverage levels now vary over time.

Star System Visuals

  • Additional stars have been added to the universe.
  • Some systems now have binary stars.
  • There is a rare chance for a system to have ternary stars.

Planetary Fauna

  • A large number of new, highly exotic creatures have been added to the universe.
  • Some uncharted systems may contain planets that are populated by rare cybernetic lifeforms.
  • The diversity of insect and flying life has been increased.
  • The behaviour and animations for flying creatures has been significantly improved.
  • Flying and swimming creatures can now flock together.
  • Creature generation has been reset. However, previous creature discoveries are now noted in the ‘Extinct’ section of the Discoveries page.
  • New cooking products have been added, reflecting the range of novel meats and other sustainably harvested ingredients made possible by the new creature types.

Planetary Weather

  • New weather and other atmospheric events have been added.
  • Planets may experience shooting stars and meteor showers. Distant meteor showers are beautiful, but it is advised to avoid standing at the impact site.
  • Lightning may now strike during storms.
  • There is now a rare chance that tornadoes can form during a storm.
  • Some extreme temperature worlds may experience firestorms, where the very surface of the planet may erupt into flame.
  • Anomalous planets may now experience strange gravitational events.
  • During storms, the Exosuit can now take advantage of the extreme conditions: superheated temperatures can be processed into improved jetpack efficiency; freezing temperatures prevent Mining Beam overheating; high radioactivity increases mining yield; dense toxic gases can be recirculated for additional stamina.

Planetary Buildings

  • Previously empty planets now have a range of abandoned and/or ancient buildings.
  • New colossal planetary archives have been added to the building generation.
  • The archives contain the historical and literary records of the Gek, Korvax and Vy’keen.
  • The archives are also home to a large number of NPCs and shops.
  • The archives contain mapping stations that reveal the presence of nearby ancient ruins.
  • Valuable ancient artifacts may be exchanged at the archive. The presented artifact will be swapped for a different item, and this cultural exchange will be rewarded with standing.


  • Some planets are now home to colossal worms. Watch your step.


  • Trader ships now occasionally land on the planet’s surface.
  • These traders sell a range of exotic goods, including black-market upgrade modules.
  • The scrap dealer found about space stations will now exchange pugneum for rare or exotic contraband items.

User Interface

  • The game’s interface has had a total visual overhaul, including the boot flow, all in-game menus and screens, and the Analysis Visor.
  • The space station and planetary base teleporter UI now match the interface used on the Space Anomaly.
  • The teleporter interface now more consistently shows screenshots of the target base.
  • The teleporter interface now displays information about the system or planet being warped to, such as weather or system economy.
  • The Discoveries page now displays more information about where to find creatures. For example, locational information and active times of day are now listed.
  • The Discoveries page now allows filtering of star systems based on inhabitants or solar class.
  • Systems may now be hidden from the list of discovered systems.
  • The Discoveries page system / planet view now displays more accurate information about player bases.
  • A local information guide has been added to the mission log. This guide displays detailed information about your current planet or star system, as well as tracking the progress of your discoveries.
  • Planetary base markers now display the name of the base.
  • Deleting a base from the base computer now has a warning element to help prevent accidental deletion.
  • A number of places in which the UI did not respect disabling press & hold have been fixed.
  • Fixed a number of visual issues with the display of information on the Galaxy Map.
  • The number of items in an inventory stack is now displayed in the popup header.
  • A depth readout has been added to the player HUD when underwater.

Photo Mode

  • New photo mode filters have been added.
  • Photo mode controls over fog and cloud density have been fixed and improved.
  • Photo mode controls over vignettes have been fixed.
  • Photo mode control over FOV has been fixed and improved.
  • Photo mode control of depth of field has been improved, with separate controls for focal depth and distance.
  • Photo mode now captures stormy conditions accurately.
  • Photo missions from the mission board now offer more assistance in locating an appropriate planet to take a photo.

Crafting and Items

  • A number of lesser-used crafting products have been removed from the game.
  • A smaller number of new crafting products have been added to replace them.
  • The number of specialist survival products have been reduced. The stack size for the remaining survival products has been increased.
  • The stack size for Glass has been increased.
  • A range of new buried items have been added to planets. These can be found and processed to reveal a range of exotic and interesting new items.
  • Fixed a number of issues with items being in the wrong place in the Catalogue.

Multi-Tool upgrades

  • Multi-Tools can now be upgraded at the Multi-Tool technology merchant aboard most Space Stations.
  • New inventory slots can be added, up to a maximum size for the current class. These slots cost a large number of units.
  • Multi-Tool class can also be upgraded for a significant amount of nanites.
  • Multi-Tool Expansion Slots allow the addition of an inventory slot for free. Find these upgrade circuits while exploring planets.

Portal interference

  • Portal interference for conventional portals has been removed. Players may explore freely.
  • After going through a portal, the return portal will remain active until you leave the planet. Your previous system is added to the list of available destinations at the space station teleporter.

Other Fixes

  • Improved the handling of the third person camera when on slopes, to avoid the camera becoming stuck in grass.
  • Reduced player and camera jitter in third person.
  • Improved the performance of the third person auto-follow camera when going up and down steep slopes, so that the camera attempts to adjust for the angle of the slope.
  • Reduced the auto-centre strength on the falling camera.
  • Trade economies have been rebalanced, so that the economy will be less affected by the mass selling of non-specialist items.
  • Player freighters now supply power automatically to all base parts placed aboard them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mining Speed bonus to not actually increase the speed of the mining laser.
  • Fixed an issue on the Nexus participants screen that caused the player name to be blank if they are not aboard the Space Anomaly.
  • Added diminishing returns to resource extractors, so that after building a large number of extractors in one place, the amount extracted by each new extractor is slightly less.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mode select screen to be invisible in ultra wide resolutions
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Eye of the Korvax helmet to be black.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented markers placed on crashed freighters from clearing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lighting on the children of helios to be overblown.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to delete a freighter storage room while standing inside it.
  • Fixed a number of issues with base building parts looking incorrect when seen at a distance.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lighting inside large cylinder rooms to be overly bright.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the text “%EXOTIC%” to appear in some Nexus mission descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some abandoned starships from being claimed, even though there was no NPC with them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused dead creatures to become embedded in the terrain.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lightning to be overblown on some rare props.
  • Fixed an issue that caused underwater props to appear overly bright.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mining laser impact effect to stay active forever.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some time-based missions from starting correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some mission UI elements to appear during warp.
  • Fixed a mission blocker that could occur when being awarded a product and technology recipe at the same time.
  • Fixed a number of interface errors that could occur during the process to upgrade an inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an inventory transfer warning to pop up at inappropriate times.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the portable refiner to be missing its audio.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause mission markers to fail to place correctly when the player was in an abandoned system.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could cause Nexus missions to mark the wrong system.
  • Fixed a number of occasions where Geks were referred to as ‘it’ rather than ‘they’.
  • Fixed a text glitch that could occur when leaving a technology shop.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC pilots did not have their name above their speech box.
  • Fixed an issue where players were always awarded Gek standing from some interactions, even if the interaction did not involve the Gek.
  • Fixed an issue where Nexus exploration missions would send players to planets without many creatures.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the rarity description of creatures in the Discoveries menu to be incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the flora and fauna description of a planet to be incorrect, eg saying there were abundant fauna when there were not.
  • Planets will no longer be labelled as ‘paradise’ if they have any hostile environmental conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused starship trail customisations to appear on other players’ ships.
  • Fixed a mission blocker that could occur when mining cadmium for the Soul Engine.
  • Fixed a number of issues with using the Steam Overlay in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Terrain Manipulator’s flatten mode from syncing in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused exploration frigates to display incorrect information when viewed through the Analysis Visor.

Sobre El Autor

Editor en Jefe. PR.

Rosario. Santa Fe. Argentina

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